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Delivery conditions

Delivery in Lithuania 1-4 working days.

Delivery to other countries 5-7 working days.

Free shipping terms to different countries. The discount applies to the purchase of Brewer’s yeast flakes and Brewer’s yeast tablets.

Our international shipping (outside Lithuania) in the e-commerce store is for two products: brewer’s yeast flakes and brewer’s yeast tablets. We also sell Brewer’s yeast powder in Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Belgium, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Slovakia, Germany.

To purchase a larger quantity (outside Lithuania) of brewer’s yeast – fill out the form.

CountryFree delivery from, Eur
Estonia, Poland50
Belgium, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Slovakia, Germany80
Austria, Hungary, Denmark100
Ireland, France, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Portugal120
Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia, Romania150